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  • Writer's pictureManon Ballester

To all our partners, supporters and participants... Thank you!

As Mimesis draws to a close, we would like to extend our warmest thanks to all those who contributed to the project's implementation and success. Thanks to the collective effort and dedication of many individuals and organizations, we have brought to life a wealth of resources, dedicated to a playful educational approach.

Acknowledging Our Partners

Our esteemed partners, L.A.B, La Fabulerie, and Spaces Foundation, deserve special thanks for their unwavering support and collaboration in developing and implementing the Mimesis Project. Your commitment to fostering creativity, engagement, and excellence in education has been invaluable. We have been really lucky to involve in this project partners with very different profiles, from arts and theatre to creativity towards science and technology. From these diverse backgrounds, we have rapidly managed to speak the same language, in order to produce resources that we can all be very proud of, being the achievements of our common vision!

Recognizing Our Educators and Our Students

A heartfelt thank you to the educators, facilitators and students who've enthusiastically participated in Mimesis activities and who’ve embraced the Mimesis approach for their classrooms. Your passion, creativity, and dedication have been truly inspiring. In total, 40 teachers and 152 students from Bulgaria and France have been involved in the project. Your contributions have been crucial for us in order to conceive, develop and improve our resources and approach. We would like to particularly thank you for being open-minded and curious about theatre technics in Science education. To new teachers and students, even if the Mimesis project is coming to an end, we will be thrilled of getting you onboard for new workshops and sessions around our resources in the future! Everything starts now for making Mimesis a must for fun learning in the future.

Thankful for Support of the Erasmus + Programme

Eventually, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Erasmus + Programme, and particularly to the French Erasmus + Agency, who've provided financial support to the Mimesis Project in addition to constant help in making this project a success, from administrative to implementation best practices. The Erasmus + Programme is an amazing opportunity in Europe to create projects at the breakthrough of innovation in Education and we encourage everyone to discover the possibilities offered by this initiative. Discover more about Erasmus + here.


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