Creative approach to STEAM learning: The Mimesis project aims to promote interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through theatre, play and body movement techniques.
Thursday 1 September 2022 - The Mimesis consortium has officially started its activities. This ERASMUS+ project, coordinated by the Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille (Fablab d'Aix-en-Provence - France) has been funded under the call KA210-SCH - Simplified Partnerships in School Education. It will last 18 months, with a dedicated budget of EUR 60,000.
The project is a set of theatrical activities linked to science learning. Each activity is associated with pedagogical resources (methodological guide, activity sheets, videos, ...). The project aims to show how theatrical & artistic practices can improve the learning of STEM through creativity and movement.
The declining interest of students in science studies and careers raises the following question : how can we introduce new engaging and stimulating pedagogical practices into STEM learning, that involve both critical thinking and creativity ? To address this issue the Mimesis project aims to promote the use of performing arts techniques in science education to create dynamic learning opportunities. By integrating theatrical practices such as mime, role-playing and improvisation into science teaching, teachers will offer a disruptive and creative approach to STEAM which will have a significant impact on student’s learning. These theatre and artistic practices will help students to show a positive and constructive behaviour and thus participate more actively in their learning.
The 21st century brings new challenges. New skills are needed to become a conscious member of the society. Critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, cultural and gender awareness need to be further developed. Through the Mimesis project the development of theatre activities will allow students to trigger their curiosity and creative spirit, releasing their spontaneity and emotional expression to foster their motivation to learn. Through these activities, the students will also develop their communications skills, learn how to present themselves, how to adapt their elocution to address an audience, and earn self-confidence.
In order to provide teachers with the necessary tools to implement theatre practices in their classrooms, Mimesis aims to provide teachers with the necessary means to implement theater practices in their classrooms, MIMESIS aims to provide a set of tools combining the possibilities of the theater approach with clear and shared pedagogical goals in a STEAM learning environment. This will be based on the following elements :
The co-creation of activities which promote science learning through theatre, performing arts and body in motion (role-playing, simulation exercises, staging...)
The creation of a manual for teachers which presents the activities and give tips on how to integrate theatrical techniques in STEAM learning (necessary materials, activity sequence, etc.).
Interactive video tutorials for teachers to explain how to perform these activities in school.
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Start date : 1 September 2022 - End date : 29 February 2024